美光科技(Micron)台中后里封測廠 榮獲 LEED NC 黃金級認證

全球第四大半導體公司美光科技(Micron)座落於台中后里後段之封測廠,於 2018 年 11 月獲得目前全球應用最廣泛、最具永續績效的綠建築評估系統 LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) 認證之黃金級標章。

本案樓地板面積為 804,523 平方英尺,包括地上 5 層,地下 3 層。LEED 評分系統包含: 永續性基地發展、節水效率、能源與大氣、建築材料、室內環境品質、創新設計等評分 項目,而美光后里封測廠在各個方面均達到亮眼之成績,例如: 永續性基地發展方面: 施 工過程通過控制土壤侵蝕、水道沉積和空氣揚塵來減少施工活動造成的環境污染,另 外,專案周圍 0.5 英里內有大眾交通系統、接駁車,且具有十種以上基本生活服務店家; 在節水效率方面: 由於設置更先進更具節水效能之沖廁系統與給水系統,本案達成了 38.07%的用水減量; 能源與大氣方面: 建築能源模擬達到 18.8%的節能效率、冷媒之空 調和製冷設備皆無使用含有氯氟碳化物(CFC),以確保不會增強溫室效應促進全球暖化。 另外,設備安裝後逐一實施各項性能驗證、確效調整與改善,以確保設備之運轉效率; 材料與資源方面: 再利用 94.18%的既有結構面積、施工中營建廢棄物回收率達 80.45% 減少了資源之浪費,另外,本案使用含回收成分建材佔總建材金額的 23.08%、總建材 採購金額的 38.6%用以採購台灣本地製造和開採之建材,以減少運送過程之碳排放;室 內環境品質方面: 室內外氣通風系統設計符合 ASHRAE 62.1-2007 標準更提高 30%以 上效率、常用空間空調舒適度設計符合 ASHRAE 55–2004 標準,使用低逸散物質的填 Copyright © 2014-2017. RCI Engineering Inc. All rights reserved. 縫劑、黏著劑、油漆和塗料,另外室內化學品汙染源獲得良好的控制與隔離…….等以上 諸多得來不易之成就。 

本案挹注永續設計理念,透過這種創新及醒目的 LEED 綠建築認證的取得,除了檢討並 節省不必要的營運成本,更可以客觀地檢視廠房相關系統之環保效能更可以節省用於建 築性能改善措施的費用,進一步落實社會企業責任為地球盡一份心力。 LEED 領先能源與環境設計是美國綠建築協會 USGBC 於 2000 年所設立的綠建築評分認 證系統,目的是促進永續建築設計與施工的發展與實踐,至今 LEED 在全球超過 164 個 國家和地區,認證超過 9 萬個專案。為目前世界上應用最廣泛的國際綠建築認證系統。

Micron MTB awarded LEED NC Gold

Micron, the world’s fourth largest semiconductor company, located in Houli, Taichung. The project earned LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold certification in December, 2018, which is the most widely used and the most sustainable green building rating system in the world.

The project has a total of 804,523 gross square feet including 5 stories aboveground and 3 stories underground. LEED rating system including the following categories: Sustainable Site, Water Efficiency, Energy and Atmosphere, Materials and Resources, Indoor Environmental Quality, and Innovation & Design, etc. Micron has achieved outstanding performance in each category. For example, as sustainable aspect, the project reduce pollution from construction activities by controlling soil erosion, waterway sedimentation, and airborne dust. Additionally, public transportation and more than 10 basic services are located within one-quarter mile walking distance of the project site.

In the aspect of water efficiency, the project has reduced potable water use by 38.07% by installing water-saving flushing and advanced water supply system. In the aspect of energy and atmosphere, the project has achieved an energy cost saving of 18.8%, and there’s no CFC-based refrigerants serving the project which ensure that greenhouse effect is not enhanced. In addition, each equipment has completed commissioning, adjustment, and improvement to ensure operating efficiency. In the aspect of materials and resources, 94.18% of the existing structural elements of the project are being reused, also, the project has diverted 80.45% of the on-site generated construction waste from landfill. Furthermore, 23.08% of the total building materials content, by value, has been manufactured using recycled materials. 38.6% of the total building materials value have been manufactured and extracted in Taiwan in order to reduce carbon emission from transporting.

In the aspect of indoor environmental quality, the ventilation system of the project has met the requirements of ASHRAE 62.1-2007, and the outdoor air ventilation rates has been increase 30% above the requirement. Additionally, thermal comfort-design of the project space is in compliance with ASHRAE 55-2004. The project also using low-emitting adhesives, sealants, paints and coatings, and also had control indoor chemical and pollutants.

This project has incorporated sustainable design concept, through pursuing LEED certification, reviewing and saving unnecessary operation costs, which can examine the environmental efficacy of factory-related systems and reduced the cost of building Copyright © 2014-2017. RCI Engineering Inc. All rights reserved. performance improvement, further implement corporate social responsibility for the world.

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) established by US Green Building Council USGBC in 2000. The purpose is to promote the development of sustainable building design. LEED has certified more than 90,000 projects in more than 164 countries in the world. LEED currently is the most widely used international green building rating system in the world.

美光科技(Micron)台中后里封測廠 榮獲 LEED NC 黃金級認證